Are you planning to appear for UGC NET 2023? Are you looking for comprehensive and reliable study materials to help you ace the exam? If yes, then you are in the right place.
In this article, we will guide you through the process of downloading UGC NET study materials for 2023, in PDF format, absolutely free of cost.
Thanks to all our regular readers of UGCNETPAPER1, We consistently hear your voice and make all possible efforts to help you accordingly.
We have received a request from many students asking us to provide all the notes in PDF form so that they can study while they are travelling and offline.
So, We have decided to publish all our study notes consolidated on one Page and Easy to download for everyone.
[Divided into 7 Parts; 6 Parts are Study Notes and Last Part is MCQ Based on Solved Question Paper on Research Aptitude]
Note – Part two requires changes – Will be updated before June Exam.
[To Be Updated Soon]
Note – Missing Parts will be Updated soon.
Note – Missing part require some revision- Will be updated before the next Exam.
The higher Education Section always surprises as its syllabus is too vast and topics mention like Higher education, Policies, Governance, and Administration are generic in nature this consists of a lot of topics like Details of Higher education Governing Bodies, Public Administrator bodies, Different schemes run by Govt, Higher Education Initiatives etc.
Here are Additional topics you must refer to.
These notes are free for use and we don’t charge a single rupee from any students from Same; However, in the past, we have seen a few people copying the text from notes and selling them in Various WhatsApp Groups and Telegram Channels.
Our aim is to help students but not to promote piracy and copyright issues. Therefore; I request you all to report us in case you found someone else selling these notes for money.
We will take the required action as per governing laws.
The information provided on is gathered from various official/unofficial online and offline resources. Although we take every possible precaution to ensure that the content on our website is as authentic and accurate as possible followed by the manual check, there still might have some human mistakes. And we certainly are not responsible for any losses caused because of the inefficient information on the website/Notes/MCQ.
if you see any information/study material or notes which are incorrect feel free to reach us at for modification required. We will be more than happy to update you.