MCQ on Teaching Aptitude
(Based Frequently asked in Previous Papers for PGT PRT KVS UGC)
1. Emotional Adjustment of students is effective in-
(A) Personality formation
(B) Class-teaching
(C) Discipline
(D) All of the above
Answer (D) All of the above
2. Black-board can be included in which group/category of teaching-aids ?
(A) Audio-aids
(B) Visual•aids
(C) Audio-visual aids
(D) None of the above
Answer :(B) Visual•aids
3. Which of the following is related with teaching skill ?
(A) Black-board writing
(B) Solving questions
(C) Asking questions
(D) All the above
Answer :(D) All the above
4. Students who ask questions in the class should be-
(A) Advised to meet the teacher after the class
(B) Encouraged to participate in the discussion in the class
(C) Encouraged to continue asking questions
(D) Encouraged to search answers independently
Answer :(C) Encouraged to continue asking questions
5. At authoritarian level teaching is ……
(A) Teacher centered
(B) Child—centered
(C) Headmaster centered
(D) Experience based
Answer :(A) Teacher centered
6. Who developed the interaction analysis category system in education for increasing the teacher effectiveness
(A) Flander
(B) Rayon
(C) Amidon and Simon
(D) Richard Over
Answer :(A) Flander
7. One of the important theory of moral development has been proposed by——
(A) Laurence Kohlberg
(B) Erik Fromm
(C) Daniel Coleman
(D) Benjamin Bloom
Answer :(A) Laurence Kohlberg
8. Character is developed by-
(A) Will-power
(B) Conduct and behavior
(C) Morality
(D) All of the above
Answer :(D) All of the above
9. Which of the following is not a level of teaching learning ?
(A) Differentiation level
(B) Memory level
(C) Reflective level
(D) Understanding level
Answer :(A) Differentiation level
10. NUEPA is mainly concerned with-
(A) Educational Supervision
(B) Educational Unity
(C) Educational Planning
(D) Educational Evaluation
Answer :(C) Educational Planning
11. The name of Yashpal Committee Report (1993) is-
(A) I.C.T. in Teacher education
(B) Learning without Burden
(C) Learning through Broad- casting
(D) None of the above
Answer :(B) Learning without Burden
12. The Father of Psychoanalysis is-
(A) Erik H. Erikson
(B) ]ean Piaget
(C) Jerorne S. Bruner
(D) Sigmund Freud
Answer :(D) Sigmund Freud
13. In pedagogy computer is used-
(A) To motivate the learner
(B) To provide feedback
(C) To interact with the learner
(D) For all the above
Answer :(D) For all the above
14. Which of the following is die brain of the computer ?
(A) Programme
(B) Central processing unit
(C) Memory
(D) Hard Disc
Answer :(B) Central processing unit
15. Spare the rod —- spoil the child.
This assumption is related to that type of discipline which has been advocated-
(A) By naturalist philosophy
(B) By pragmatist philosophy
(C) In Victorian Era
(D) In Democratic Era
Answer :(C) In Victorian Era
16. The concept of school complex was first executed in-
(A) Uttar Pradesh
(B) Madhya Pradesh
(C) Bihar
(D) Rajasthan
Answer :(D) Rajasthan
17. The proponent of the Cognitive Theory of teaching is-
(A) N. L. Gage
(B) Shiv Kumar Mitra
(C) B. F. Skiner
(D) McDonald
Answer :(A) N. L. Gage
18, Instruction medium affects the absence and escape from class teaching-
(A) Agreed
(B) Indefinite
(C) Disagreed
(D) None of the above
Answer :(A) Agreed
19, The determinant of teaching skill training is-
(A) Components
(B) Pupil-teacher
(C) Supervisor
(D) Headmaster
Answer :(A) Components
20. For a good communication ..,…… is requried.
(A) Clarity of thought
(B) Dramatic Presentation
(C) Speaking in a mild tone
(D) Speaking without pause
Answer :(A) Clarity of thought
21. Which of the following is an approach to educational planning ? .
(A) Man-power approach
(B) Social Demand approach
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) None of the above
Answer :(C) Both (A) and (B)
22. Institutional planning should be based on-
(A) Aim and needs
(B) Time—table
(C) Administration
(D) Need
Answer :(A) Aim and needs
23. Teacher behaviour ought to be-
(A) Administrative
(B) Instructive
(C) Idealistic
(D) Directive
Answer :(C) Idealistic
24. Information highway or net is-
(A) Computer
(B) Internet
(C) Intranet
(D) Key-board
Answer :(B) Internet
25. INSAT—1(B) has been launched in-
(A) 30 April, 1983
(B) 30 August, 1983
(C) 30 December, 1983
(D) 30 January, 1984
Answer :(B) 30 August, 1983
26. The number of representatives of Central Government in UGC is-
(A) 09
(B) 02
(C) 06
(D) O3
Answer :(B) 02
27. Computer language is based on-—
(A) Number system
(B) Symbol system
(C) Series system
(D) None of the above
Answer :(A) Number system
28. The main task of educational computer is-
(A) Scoring the answers
(B) Preserve the information
(C) Analysis of data
(D) All of the above
Answer :(D) All of the above
29. UNESCO satellite directed television program was used first
(A) 1926
(B) 1959
(C) 1961
(D) 1965
Answer :(D) 1965
30. In which of the following instructional procedure is the main component ?
(A) Synectics teaching model
(B) Basic teaching model
(C) Inductive model
(D) Social-stimulation
Answer :(B) Basic teaching model
31. The computer based teaching model has been developed by-
(A) Gilbert (1962)
(B) Stolurow and Davis (1965)
(C) Robert Gagne (1965)
(D) Mecner (1965)
Answer :(B) Stolurow and Davis (1965)
32. Which of the following expectation students have from group learning ?
(A) To get appreciation from the group
(B) To distribute the work equally
(C) To ignore individual view point
(D) To attract isolated student towards the group
Answer :(D) To attract isolated student towards the group
33. In order to modify the undesirable behaviour of a student the most effective method is-
(A) To punish the student
(B) To bring it to the notice of parents
(C) To find out the reasons for the undesirable behaviour and provide remedies
(D) To ignore it
Answer :(C) To find out the reasons for the undesirable behaviour and provide remedies
34. In which university the micro-teaching system started in 1961 ?
(A) Stanford University
(B) Oxford University
(C) Delhi University
(D) M. S. University Baroda(India)
Answer :(A) Stanford University
35. The correct meaning of C.A.I. is-
(A) Characteristics of Assistant Instructor
(B) Computer Assisted Instruction
(C) Community Assisted Instruction
(D) None of the above
Answer :(B) Computer Assisted Instruction
36. “Man is born free but every-where he is in chains/’ This statement has been given by-
(A) Abraham Maslow
(B) Jean Jacques Rousseau
(C) John Dewey
(D) W. I-I. Kilpatrick
Answer :(B) Jean Jacques Rousseau
37. Written communication strategy includes-
(A) Algorithms
(B) Decision Table
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) None of the above
Answer :(C) Both (A) and (B)
38. Main responsibility of School Management lies on-
(A) Principal
(B) Teachers
(C) Manager
(D) All of the above
Answer :(A) Principal
39, Major objective of School Discipline is-
(A) To ensure safety of staff and students
(B) To create an environment conducive for teaching
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) None of the above
Answer :(C) Both (A) and (B)
40. At primary level teacher-taught ratio was 1 : 39-
(A) According to sixth educational survey of all India
(B) According to fifth educational survey of all India
(C) According to fourth educational survey of all India
(D) According to second educational survey of all India
Answer :(A) According to sixth educational survey of all India
41. A fault in a computer programme which prevents it from working correctly is known as-
(A) Bug
(B) Error
(C) Boo~Boo
(D) Virus
Answer :(A) Bug
42, Practical knowledge of language is learnt at—
(A) School
(B) Language laboratory
(C) Language teaching
(D) Language instruction
Answer :(B) Language laboratory
43. Dropping out from school means-
(A) To come to school casually
(B) To leave the school forever
(C) To play truant from class
(D) None of the above
Answer :(B) To leave the school forever
44. Which one of the following is not a principle of a good time table ?
(A) Flexibility
(B) Ruthless master
(C) Variety
(D) Coordination of efforts
Answer :(B) Ruthless master
45. The reason of absence and escape from school is—
(A) Lack of interest in syllabus
(B) Poor method of teaching
(C) Ineffective teacher
(D) All the above
Answer :(D) All the above
46. Ministry of Human Resource Development was established on-
(A) Oct. 26, 1985
(B) Sept. 16, 1985
(C) Sept. 26, 1985
(D) Sept. 10, 1986
Answer :(C) Sept. 26, 1985
47. The scope of Decision-Making is—
(A) Management
(B) Organization
(C) Administration
(D) Supervision
Answer :(C) Administration
48. Factor of personality is—
(A) Ductless glands
(B) Family background
(C) School
(D) All the above
Answer :(D) All the above
50, Which of the following aspects is discussed in a Teacher’s Diary ?
(A) Class Time Table
(B) Teaching Content
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) None of the above
Answer :(C) Both (A) and (B)
51. 10 + 2 + 3 system of education was recommended by—
(A) Kothari Commission
(B) Mudaliar Commission
(C) Radhakrishnan Commission
(D) National Policy on Education (1986)
Answer :Ans. (A) Kothari Commission
52. ………. refers to states within a person or animal that drive behaviour towards some goal.
(A) Competence
(B) Affiliation
(C) Motivation
(D) Self-actualisation
Answer :Ans. (C) Motivation
53. Psychologists who diagnose learning problems and try to remedy them are called …………… Psychologists.
(A) Social
(B) Community
(C) School
(D) Clinical
Answer :Ans. (C) School
54. The concept of state of readiness in maturation is important in understanding development of behaviour because it teaches us that certain skills may be difficult or impossible to learn before a given—
(A) Level of teaching
(B) Intelligence level
(C) Socio-economic level
(D) Age level
Answer :Ans. (D) Age level
55. A child with average potential intelligence but fertile environment will achieve—
(A) A better life
(B) An average life
(C) Nothing in life
(D) Everything in life
Answer :Ans. (A) A better life
56. Siblings, parents and teachers are important source of ………. for the children.
(A) Motivation
(B) Information
(C) Opinions
(D) Attitudes
Answer :Ans. (A) Motivation
57. A good understanding of ……….. makes us know about ourselves better.
(A) Education
(B) Colours
(C) Social perception
(D) None of the rest
Answer :Ans. (A) Education
58. Good tests of a psychological nature bear the following features—
(A) Reliability
(B) Cheaper
(C) Guessing Power
(D) Rote learning
Answer :Ans. (A) Reliability
59. Mental Health is—
(A) Harmonious functioning of the total personality
(B) Symptoms of maladjustment
(C) Terrible excitement
(D) Throwing up temper-tantrums
Answer :Ans. (A) Harmonious functioning of the total personality
60. During the ………….. children are faced with a problem of coping with school.
(A) Toddlerhood
(B) Pro-social period
(C) Preschool period
(D) Middle childhood
Answer :Ans. (C) Preschool period
61. The best way to memorize is—
(A) Study for long time
(B) To understand the concept
(C) To read loudly
(D) To write the concept
Answer :Ans. (B) To understand the concept
62. Students like that teacher who—
(A) Has attractive personality
(B) Belongs to his/her caste
(C) Awards goods work liberally
(D) Has very good knowledge of his/her subject
Answer :Ans. (D) Has very good knowledge of his/her subject
63. With the development of technology, the role of teacher in future will be—
(A) To provide information
(B) To develop new text-books
(C) To guide students
(D) To use internet in teaching
Answer :Ans. (C) To guide students
64. To prepare students as good citizen, a teacher should—
(A) Maintain strict discipline
(B) Provide good leadership
(C) Be good orator
(D) Have good general knowledge
Answer :Ans. (B) Provide good leadership
65. Students should be given home-work to—
(A) Study at home
(B) Check their progress by teachers
(C) Keep them busy
(D) develop habit of self-study
Answer :Ans. (D) develop habit of self-study
66. It is necessary for the development of school—
(A) Principal and teacher
(B) Students
(C) Good building
(D) Other facilities
Answer :Ans.(B) Students
67. If a student comes late in class, then you—
(A) Will ignore him
(B) Will not allow him to sit in class
(C) Will punish him
(D) Will allow him to sit silently
Answer :Ans.(D) Will allow him to sit silently
68. The purpose of National Education Policy is—
(A) Universalisation of primary education
(B) Vocationalisation of education
(C) To review the education
(D) To give equal opportunity of education to all
Answer :Ans.(C) To review the education
69. A teacher learns most by—
(A) His students
(B) His colleagues
(C) His Principal
(D) His experiences during training
Answer :Ans.(D) His experiences during training
70. On first day in a class you will—
(A) Start teaching from first chapter
(B) Take introduction of students and introduce yourself
(C) Explain the syllabus
(D) Explain the rules of school and your teaching way
Answer :Ans.(B) Take introduction of students and introduce yourself
71. The standard of education can be raised by—
(A) Appointing good teachers
(B) Providing physical facilities in schools
(C) Reforming examination system
(D) Providing computer in schools
Answer :Ans.(A) Appointing good teachers
72. The purpose of establishing Navodaya Schools is—
(A) To complete ‘Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan’ in rural areas
(B) To provide good education in rural areas
(C) Check wastage of education in rural areas
(D) To increase number of schools in rural areas
Answer :Ans.(B) To provide good education in rural areas
73. During teaching, a teacher gives example—
(A) To attract student’s attention
(B) To make lesson interesting
(C) To explain the lesson
(D) To continue the lesson for long time
Answer :Ans.(C) To explain the lesson
74. If students are not taking interest in your teaching, then you will—
(A) Ignore them
(B) Leave the class
(C) Ask them to pay attention
(D) Change the teaching method
Answer :Ans.(D) Change the teaching method
75. According to you, the aim of education should be—
(A) To provide knowledge
(B) To develop personality
(C) To make good ctizen
(D) To reform the society
Answer :Ans.(B) To develop personality