List of Best UGC NET Commerce Books
Students huddle through every possible Book available in the market. In a hurry, they choose the wrong material for NTA NET and then regret it later. we receive hundreds of queries about the best study material for the net, the best books to refer to, Study notes, and whatnot. Qualifying for UGC NET is an arduous task as the difficulty level of the exam is very high. The paper is designed in such a way that it filters out brilliant students for the prestigious post of lecturer and to perform research programs.
Frankly Speaking, these UGC net guides are not alternatives to your subjective textbooks. Instead, you should look for your Post Graduation books to build sound knowledge. You Can count on Truman’s book ..they have an edge over others in terms of Question selection. Sometimes you might get exact questions from the book.
Best Book for NTA CBSE UGC NET Commerce Exam
Guides for UGC NET Commerce
#1. Trueman’s UGC NET/SET Commerce Edition New Syllabus
- Most Trusted book for UGC NET Exams
- Best-selling book for CBSE UGC NET exam. Ideal for SET (State Eligibility Test) also.
- This Book contains very good theory and a variety of relevant MCQs. The answers are correct and paper III coverage is exhaustive which is very helpful
#2. NTA UGC NET / JRF /SET Commerce Paper 2
- Some specific facts have been covered in a box and through pictures for better understanding.
- The book also contains the last four years Solved Papers of UGC NET Commerce Paper II & III to help candidates understand the recent exam pattern. Also, various types of objective questions based on the latest examination pattern to help the candidates get familiar with the new examination pattern have been provided in the book.
- At the end of the book, Practice Papers for Paper II have been given for thorough practice and self-analysis for the upcoming examination. This book is equally useful for various State Eligibility Tests as well.
#3. NTA UGC NET / JRF /SET Vanjya Paper 2 (Hindi)
- A must-have book for NET preparation. Lots of new changes updated.
- The book is very good who are planning for UGC net commerce, questions are given along with their answers for practice. And previous year’s question papers are given along with answers.
#5 NTA UGC NET/SET/JRF: Paper II – Commerce | First Edition | By Pearson Paperback
#6 NTA UGC NET/JRF/SET Paper 2 Commerce
#7 NTA-UGC-NET: Commerce (Paper II) Exam Guide
#8 NTA UGC NET Commerce Paper 2
Some Other Reference books for NTA NET EXAM Based on Subject
- Purchase some good books specified by UGC that may help you to clear your basic concepts and logic as well as cover the whole syllabus. Also, utilize UGC NET online study material.
- Preparing Short-Notes is the best way of practicing your syllabus in a short time and revising everything.
- You can write down important things and related facts and points. Using underlining and highlighting headings will help you to make better notes. Writing notes will also help you in remembering things.
- These notes will help you to quickly revise what you have learned.
#Notes should be very clear and well written so when you have to revise you can just open your notebook and read it.
UGC NET Commerce Books (Unit-Wise)
Unit Wise Syllabus | Books |
Unit 1: Business Environment & International Business | |
| Business Environment and International Business Sem- VI Bcom Hons. MD University (2021-22) Examination Paperback – 1 January 2021 |
Unit 2: Accounting and Auditing | |
| B COM fifth semester (V SEMESTER) question banks as per CBCS Model, Business Economics, E-Commerce, Cost Accounting, Computerized Accounting, Auditing (Pack of 5 Books) 2022 Edition TS Grewal |
| Graduation Textbook By Maheshwari and Mittal
| These topics are covered with the help of the Internet |
| Graduation Textbook |
Unit 3: Business Economy | |
| Graduation Textbook Micro Economics by Dr. Deepshree |
Unit 4: Business Finance | |
| Graduation level Textbook and Internet/ Wikipedia |
| Graduation level Textbook by I.M. Pandey |
Unit 5: Business Statistics & Research Methods | |
| Post-Graduation level Textbook “Business Statistics” by Dr. J.K. Thakur |
| Graduation level Textbook by C.R. Kothari |
Unit 6: Business Management & Human Resource Management | |
| Graduation Textbook by C.B. Gupta/F.C. Sharma |
| Post-Graduation Textbook by V.S.P. Rao |
Unit 7: Banking & Financial Institutions | |
| These units are covered by Internet and Banking notes |
Unit 8: Marketing Management | |
| Post-Graduation Text Book by Philip T. Kotler Gary Armstrong and Prafulla Agnihotri |
Unit 9: Legal Aspects of Business | |
| Graduation level Text Book “Business and Industrial Law” by L.C. Mittal / G.K. Kapoor /Reena Chadha
| Graduation level Text Book “Company Law” by M.C. Kuchhal /Sumant Chadha/Reena Chadha. |
| These topics are covered with the help of the Internet |
Unit 10: Income Tax & Corporate Tax Planning | |
| Graduation level textbook of Income Tax by Girish Ahuja/ Taxmann |
| These unit syllabuses cover the Internet and the Post-Graduation book “Corporate tax planning” by Dr. J.C. & Nikhil Gupta |
It’s normal to get nervous before exams but test anxiety can be decreased by thorough preparation. Knowing that you’ve done everything and you remember it can boost your confidence level.
So above, we have summed all the necessary UGC NET Preparation Books which you should follow during exam studies. The above-given plan will definitely help you to give your studies a proper direction.
Please also share these tips with your friends on Facebook and Twitter. If you wish to share something with us, please drop your comment in the comment box.
Hope This Will Help
All the very Best For Your Exams
TOP 10 books for UGC NET PAPER 1
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