Learn the shortcuts and tricks to solve questions based on blood relations, blood relation questions with answers pdf, Blood Relations Reasoning Shortcut Tricks, Blood Relations Types explained with …
UGC NET PAPER1 is best known resource site for NTA NET EXAM GENERAL PAPER1. You can find lot of details & easy to grasp content based on latest syllabus & tips-tricks on how to perform better in your exam. This blog is run by group of students, faculty members & content writers to provide you best quality contents.
Important topic based on the recent pattern of MCQ based on Number System The number system or the numeral system is the system of identifying and expressing numbers.…
UGC NET PAPER 1 JUNE 2020 (Based on Question asked in UGC NET PAPER 1 JUNE 2020) Unit-I Teaching Aptitude Based Question Identify those teaching strategies which are…
UGC NET PAPER 1 DECEMBER 2019 (Based on Question asked in UGC NET PAPER 1 DECEMBER 2019 Exam) Teaching Aptitude Based Question #1. Classroom Interactions are influenced largely…
- People and Environment
40 Major International/Indian Environmental Organizations Fighting Issues
by Team UGCNETPAPER1 14 minutes readStudy Notes on Important Environmental Organizations related to environment conservation NTA UGC NET EXAM
- Data Interpretation
Graphical Representation |New topic Based on UGC NET Exam
by Team UGCNETPAPER1 9 minutes readGraphical representation (Bar-chart, Histograms, Pie-chart, Table-chart and Line-chart) and mapping of Data. Graphical representation helps in analyzing data. It helps in representing a relation between ideas, data, concepts, and…
- People and Environment
Various Environmental Protection Acts and Conventions
by Team UGCNETPAPER1 16 minutes readEnvironmental Protection Act (1986), National Action Plan on Climate Change, International agreements/efforts -Montreal Protocol, Rio Summit,Convention on Biodiversity, Kyoto Protocol, Paris Agreement, International Solar Alliance.
- Higher education system: Governance Polity and Administration
Challenges in Higher Education in India
by Team UGCNETPAPER1 5 minutes readAmong a number of challenges and issues, hereby a few are listed like Mushrooming of Low-Quality Institutes
- Data Interpretation
Solving Tricks | Data Interpretation NET EXAM | Updated
by Team UGCNETPAPER1 8 minutes readData Interpretation NET Exam, Tips to Solved DI for NTA NET Exam, UGC NET Exam Dataterpretation Notes, Solved Data Interpretation Based on last 10 Year Question Paper, Data …
- Teaching Aptitude
Learners Characteristics Notes on Teaching Aptitude [2021 Updated]
by Team UGCNETPAPER1 7 minutes readThis is part of blog series on teaching aptitude & will cover Teaching Aptitude of Paper 1 of UGC NET which includes the introduction of teaching aptitude the …